Bar Admissions
  • California
  • Registered Patent Attorney, US Patent and Trademark Office
  • Duke University, Certificate in Machine Learning
  • George Mason University, Juris Doctor
  • University of California, Berkeley, Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences and Legal Studies
  • Voting member of the IPO Emerging Technology Committee
  • Voting member of the IPO Asian Practice Committee and the IPO Women in IP Committee
  • Giles Rich Inn of Court
  • PTAB Bar Association
  • Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, DC Chapter
Awards and Recognitions
  • Forbes Business Council

Wen is a prosecutor with a comprehensive understanding of the patent process in the United States, Europe, and across Asia, and experience overseeing the prosecution of applications around the world. Wen is familiar with actions and procedures from all the major national patent offices, including the US Patent and Trademark Office, the European Patent Office and the China National Intellectual Property Administration. Wen has written over a hundred original patent applications, and has extensive experience with appeals before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. She represents clients across various technological sectors including the electro-mechanical, medical devices, and computer-operated control technologies.

Wen is highly sought after for her opinion on subject matter eligibility in the United States, particularly with respect to the patentability of software applications and computer-implemented technologies. She has published legal scholarship and speaks frequently on subject matter eligibility under the Alice and Mayo framework, and has been interviewed by Nature Biotechnology on the role of generative AI in the development of new pharmaceuticals.

Highly involved in the innovation community around the world, Wen is a member of the Forbes Business Council and the WINGS WorldQuest Junior Council. Wen is also a leader in the Intellectual Property Owner’s Association, chairing the subcommittee in charge of the Diversity in Innovation Toolkit and working with leaders across the IP arena so that diverse inventors can be thoroughly recognized for their contribution to the innovative ecosphere. Wen serves on the English Pegasus Scholar Placement Committee at the American Inns of Court for the Pegasus Scholarship Trust, an exchange program for newly barred English barristers and US attorneys.


Speaking Engagements:

Features and Interviews

The IP Practice Series hosted by Global IP Counselors™, co-published by IPWatchdog:

Wen hosts the IP Practice Vlogs by Global IP Counselors™, an original series of practice videos for the US IP practitioner. The series is co-published by IPWatchdog, the largest intellectual property publication in the world.

Feature Images for IPWatchdog (1)